

Tanjore Ramachandra Anantharaman

Prof TRA the revered Teacher, brilliant
Researcher and able Administrator
Prof TRA the spiritual Guru and
Kul Acharya of Ashram Atmadeep

Bio Data

Professor Tanjore Ramachandra Anantharaman was born in Tamil Nadu, India, on November 25, 1927. He obtained his B.Sc. (Hons.) degree in Chemistry from Madras University in 1947, D.I.I.Sc. in Metallurgy from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in 1950 and M.Sc. in Metallurgical Chemistry from Madras University in 1951. He received the D.Phil. (Oxon) degree in 1954 and was later awarded the D.Sc. (Oxon) degree in 1990 in recognition of his outstanding research contributions to many areas of Metallurgy and Materials Science. Professor Anantharaman held many prestigious positions in his professional career spanning nearly six decades. He was also a Visiting Scientist/Visiting Professor in Germany, UK, USA and Belgium, and participated in several international conferences in USA, Japan, France, Switzerland, Russia, China and the Czech Republic. Professor Anantharaman is argubly the best known metallurgist of India. His contributions to metallurgical education and research have been most significant, prolific and unparalleled. In recognition of his outstanding contributions to the Science of Metals, Professor Anantharaman has received numerous national and international awards.
Click here for Prof TRA’s full biodata and a list of his achievements and awards.

The Millennium Movement

An important dimension of Prof TRA's personality relates to Spirituality, Philosophy and Religion, particularly of the Vedic and Yogic traditions of India going back to over 4000 years. After retiring from active service, Prof TRA became deeply involved with spreading the message of these traditions. Towards this end, he started a "Millennium Movement" in 2001 from his Ashram Atmadeep located in Gurgaon, Haryana. However, he did not live long enough to take this idea to its logical end.
For a look at his hand-written exposition of the Millennium Movement Click here

Prof TRA Interview

Prof. TRA was interviewed by the publication called IIT-BHU Chronicle in 2007, just two years before he passed away. This interview gives illuminating snippets of his own life.
Click here to see the interview.

A Tribute

After Prof TRA’s passing away in 2009, Dr. P.Rama Rao paid a glowing tribute to him which was published in the highly regarded journal “Current Science".
Click here to view the complete article.

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